Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Learning English

List of words Callie is using:
  1. no
  2. peek-boo
  3. thank you
  4. there you go (when she hands something to someone)
  5. Mom
  6. Andrew
  7. Anna
  8. ba-bye
  9. more
  10. uh oh

(She calls Caty "Eee.")

She is so happy-go-lucky, and she's very comfortable out of our laps and arms. She's often exploring. Tonight at our senior pastor's house, she was all over the place, playing with anyone who was willing. It's like she's lived with us ever since she was born. The change over the last week has been incredible.

She slept through the night for the first time a couple nights ago. We were elated.


marci said...

Hmmm... I think you should write about her deep love of dogs.

marci said...

I just looked down at the pictures and saw that Callie likes squid - so does Andy - and not the fried kind that looks and tastes like all other fried food - the kind that still looks like an animal, just cut into pieces. He gets it at Asakusa every time we go and they give you the whole animal, head, body, tentacles - it's all there still very much resembling a squid. Maybe he can share with Callie sometime.

marci said...

One more thing... I keep forgetting to tell you guys that we are getting a full-time Chinese teacher next year.

The Davies Family said...

I love these pictures and your updates!! Wish we all lived closer! Give your crew our love!