Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day at the Museum

Scantlin family quote of the day: "Trust me, I haven't farted since this afternoon." Andrew told us this when we were trying to determine the source of a particularly foul odor.

Andrew, Caty, and I went to the Lincoln Museum today, just days before its demise. Lots of people there today. If it had this business months ago, it wouldn't be closing.

Third or fourth time I'd been there. Learn something new every time. I was impressed with how seriously the kids surveyed various exhibits. Afterwards at the library, Caty picked up a couple books on Lincoln. A girl after my own heart.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wanted you to know that I've become quite addicted to both your blogs. It happened as you were documenting your trip to get Callie. Having done that with Isabel, everything you described was very real to me. It has been great to have your positive experiences to read. Karin