Sunday, April 13, 2008

One Step Closer

They say that the only the constant in life is change. ( I know "they" say many things.)

Our travel dates have changed. We received our flight itinerary on Friday. It will be necessary for us to spend an extra day in China due to scheduling at the Consulate. I know it is all in God's timing, and we would not have it any other way.

Here are some prayer requests.
1. Safe travel
2. Smooth transition for Callie (and her parents)
3. Seat rearrangement on our flight to Beijing- right now there are not 3 seats together
4. Seating on our flight back- an empty seat for Callie would be great
5. No cancelled flights- we are the last flight of the day out of Chicago on the trip home
6. Andrew and Caty- this is a long time to be apart
7. Finacial provision

Thank you very much for your prayers.


Ginny said...

Sara, Kent & Anna,
Sounds like it was a difficult day. I wish there was a way to make this an easier process for Callie, but I know that very soon she will grow to love all of you and that she will be so thankful to be part of your family. What a blessing it is that she is now in a family that will introduce her to a Father and family that will be her's for eternity. We are praying for your family in China as well as the ones at home.~Ginny

Ginny said...

Sara, Kent & Anna,
Sounds like it was a difficult day. I wish there was a way to make this an easier process for Callie, but I know that very soon she will grow to love all of you and that she will be so thankful to be part of your family. What a blessing it is that she is now in a family that will introduce her to a Father and family that will be her's for eternity. We are praying for your family in China as well as the ones at home.~Ginny