Monday, June 30, 2008

Nighttime Is Still a Challenge

Perhaps I sound like a broken record, but I'll say again that Callie is doing really well. We are pleased with the transition. She loves to play outside, she loves to dance to Caty's CDs, she loves to play peek-a-boo, she loves to chase Ryans' dog, she loves to play with Leah and Aza, and the list goes on and on.

But the nighttimes still prove difficult. While for a few nights she slept through, that hasn't happened in a while. She's up 3, 4, 5 times a night, and rare is the time when she allows me to comfort her. So Sara is quite tired (though I think God is giving her extra energy, because she's not quite as falling-down-tired as I would expect).

We are seeking wisdom. Letting her learn to cry it out seems a difficult option since Caty and Anna sleep in the same room with her.

Church bike ride yesterday. Sara, Anna, Callie, and I represented 4 of the 12 who did the ride. Great weather. We cut out after a few miles and biked up to Sara's brother's house for pleasant conversation on their front porch. The weather was front-porch perfect.

We went to dessert this evening with Sara's brother's family as well. Ice cream at Cold Stone--a rare treat!

We do enjoy having both Sara's brother and my brother within walking distance.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day at the Museum

Scantlin family quote of the day: "Trust me, I haven't farted since this afternoon." Andrew told us this when we were trying to determine the source of a particularly foul odor.

Andrew, Caty, and I went to the Lincoln Museum today, just days before its demise. Lots of people there today. If it had this business months ago, it wouldn't be closing.

Third or fourth time I'd been there. Learn something new every time. I was impressed with how seriously the kids surveyed various exhibits. Afterwards at the library, Caty picked up a couple books on Lincoln. A girl after my own heart.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Andrew & CDYC

All the kids are back. Andrew got home from CDYC yesterday, and Caty arrived home from Michigan this evening.

Andrew received two "superior" awards (gold medals), 1 for preaching and 1 for the skit. The comments by the judges are impressive. He had a fantastic time, and the Lord seemed to really get his attention.

I'm looking forward to taking Andrew up to a Tigers game in a couple weeks.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Spiderwoman's Alias Is Anna Rachel

Scantlin family quote of the day: "I'm getting chubby." Anna said this as she was finishing her meal at Fish of Stroh this evening.

She wowed me later this evening. I strategically placed a balloon out of her reach at the top of the hallway wall. I then watched in amazement as she scaled the hallway walls in "X" form and knocked the balloon down.

She was pleased I was impressed, and she climbed again, her head touching the ceiling. Each hand on opposite walls, each foot on opposite walls, she inches up with amazing strength.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Callie's Feet; Weddings

Yesterday morning I sat with Callie at the table while she ate her breakfast of Kashi cereal (like healthy Cheerios). When she was done, I let her down out of her booster seat, whereupon she stepped on something with her bare feet. She then sat down on the floor and picked up her foot to discover a piece of her cereal stuck tightly there. She then without hesitation peeled it off, stuck it halfway in her mouth, and crunched down, chewing. Then she emitted, with no prompting from me, "Mmmm."

Sara took Callie to the orthopedist at Fred Toenges Shoes the other day, and after checking out her feet, he made an insert for her shoes.

Caty left with my parents and a couple cousins Saturday for Michigan. My dad's twin sister got married, and they went to the wedding. Andrew also left for CDYC Saturday morning. Anna was supposed to go to the wedding also, but she changed her mind, and we allowed her to stay home. Andrew will return Tuesday morning, and Caty will return some time Wednesday.

I attended another wedding of someone who used to be in my youth group at Northside. All these kids are getting married (Peter, John, Jacque, Phil, Andy, Chelsea, Scott, Jeff, Lisa, etc.), and some of them have kids!

Sara's brother and sister-in-law took us out to eat after church yesterday, and we had to wait a while on our food, which proved a little bit of a challenge since we had 4 kids, and Anna was the oldest!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bike Trailers, Outdoor Fun, & Energy Drinks

Callie's doing much better today, although now she has a skin rash of some sort. Sara surmises an allergic reaction to her antibiotic.

Sara assembled and hooked up her bike trailer today. Rode Callie to church tonight to see some of VBS and then rode her back home. She says Callie loves the thing and talks the whole time she's riding.

Caty and I played some tennis today. The oldest 3 and I also played kickball. Trying to get Andrew and Caty to play outside can be difficult, but they need the activity. Especially Caty; she has no close friends in the neighborhood, so she stays inside and reads when we won't let her watch TV. (Don't get me wrong; I'm thrilled that she and Andrew both love to read.)

Need to pray about that. So many things to pray about just in terms of the kids!

Andrew's gearing up for CDYC. One of the ways is spending his/my hard-earned money on energy drinks. He and his bud Jason (pictured together) are each taking some.

He's entered the talent competition this year in two areas: a skit with Jason and another friend, Kelli; and preaching. He's preaching on Job 1. He spent a lot more time in prep last year for his sermon, so I don't know . . .

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We're Not Looking Forward to the Weekend

With Callie feverish this week--her fever is very low-grade now, by the way--she and Sara have not gone to VBS at all this week. And Callie has missed her brother and sisters in the evenings when they've all been at VBS.

Andrew, Caty, and Anna are all leaving Saturday morning and won't return until Tuesday and Wednesday. Can you say "clingy"?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Did You Know We Have 3 Other Kids, Too?

Callie has had a fever the last two days. At various points it was 104. She, and Sara, did not sleep well last night. We have not had Leah for two days because of Callie's fever. She's now on antibiotic.

There's been a clamor (1 email) to hear about the other kids once and a while.

Andrew started Wildcat baseball this week. Not a promising start since both games they've fielded 7 or less players.

Caty is going to town with the library's summer reading program. She reads a lot, which is great.
Andrew and Caty are both helping out with Vacation Bible School at our church this week.

Anna is participating in VBS. She's also doing gymnastics this summer. She loves to do stretches with me, though I don't stretch quite as far as she does.

Andrew's gearing up for CDYC this weekend, and the girls are going up to Michigan this weekend with my parents' to my aunt's wedding. Callie will be lost without her siblings.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Last night Callie was a Daddy's girl, perhaps the first time since she joined our family. I was gone before she got up in the morning, and I was home just briefly in the afternoon, but she was asleep then.

We did talk on the phone for the first time. Sara held the phone up to her ear while I talked to her. She said not a word, but Sara said she was grinning from ear to ear when she realized it was my voice. She then wasn't in a hurry to end the call.

When I got home, she wanted me to hold her and play with her.

Often when she wants me to do something, she grabs my hand and pulls me to where she wants me. Several times it's to the piano, and we play together. If I stop, she stops, grabs my hand, and places it back on the piano. That's universal language for, "Play. I'm not doing a solo here."

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Naked, and They Felt No Shame

There's been a clamor (1 email) for more posts. So a couple snatches.

At one point this morning while I was making some trips in and out, I came to the screen door and Callie greeted me. She held up a very soaked pull-up with a gesture that clearly meant, "Here, you take it. It's passed the point of usefulness." Wondering from where this early Father's Day present came, I lifted Callie's pajama dress and found . . . well, you can imagine what I didn't find there. That's right, a pull-up.

In fact, while Callie hated to be undressed in China, America has tipped her the other way. There have been several times when I've been in the kitchen and I hear Sara's voice down the hallway begin to yell, "Hey, come back here. We're not done." I then hear the rapid patter of little feet and soon see my youngest rounding the corner of the kitchen naked from the waist down (and sometimes also naked from the waist up). We all get a charge out of it.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Dedicated to the Lord Today

Today we dedicated Callie to the Lord at our church. She was dedicated along with her cousin, Sydney.

And she demonstrated during her dedication why she needs to be dedicated to the Lord and why she needs the grace that is highlighted in her middle name. What a stinker! Didn't want to be held, squirmed, and wouldn't stay put when set down. Our church family got a charge out of it.

Sara's sister (Suzanne) and her husband and son came into town yesterday and are staying until Tuesday with us. So all the cousins were together today: Andrew, Caty, Anna, Aza, Callie, Noah, and Sydney. Their respective ages are 13, 11, 7, 23 months, 19 months, 17 months, and 5 months.

We also celebrated Sara's 38th birthday (which was yesterday) and Suzanne's 30th birthday (which is today).

Saturday, June 7, 2008

One Month with Callie

It was a month ago yesterday that Callie first entered our lives. (Physically, that is. Of course, she had been in our prayers and on our hearts for some time before that.) It's hard to believe, after those first few days, the degree of happiness and satisfaction she exhibits now in our home.

She loves all three of the kids. She's all over the place in our home, loves to be outside, enjoys her baths, sleeps through the night, and often plays on her own.

She still can't go real long out of sight of Sara. Sara is like her one emotional anchor in this new world, but that's okay.

Yesterday, Sara turned the sandbox into a wading pool, and Callie and her cousins refreshed themselves.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What is the purpose of a spoon? Of a fork?

Let it not be said that Callie Wang never uses her utensils! She did today at lunch. While she clasped her fork in her left hand, she picked up cheesy macaroni and shoved it into her mouth with her right!

She did the same with soup last week, only that time--and here you see her true genius for one so young--she knew to hold a spoon in her otherwise useless hand.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I sat with Sara during the bedtime routine tonight for Callie Wang. I helped, too, by playing "this little piggy" several times, "peek a boo" several times, by tickling and being a jungle gym.

But is the bedtime routine supposed to end up with Sara asleep and Callie wide awake, grinning from ear to ear?

In other news, I've created another blog to talk about things that don't usually fit within this particular blog's focus. You can check it out at

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sara Resumes Watching Leah, and Callie Loves It

I now eat some of what I said in yesterday's post. While Callie ate breakfast, Anna sat beside her and got her to laugh quite a bit.

Leah was back today, the first time in over a month. And Leah and Callie (2 days apart in age) had a great time with each other. Sara said the day could not have gone any better than what it did.

As she was putting them down for naps, she had them both in her arms, and they were hugging each other. Callie wakes up hard. By that I mean she cries. She started to do so when she woke from her nap . . . until she saw Leah. Then the world was a much happier place.

In other news, Callie slept through the night last night--only her second time since we've had her. Good for Sara! (Nonetheless, Sara went to bed earlier than normal tonight.)

Of course, the cutest pictures between Callie and Leah occurred today when we didn't have the camera in hand, but we still got a couple of them together, one of which is posted.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Callie's Relationship with Her Brother & Sisters

Andrew and Caty are very good at getting Callie to smile and laugh, and they enjoy playing little games with her they know she likes.

I don't know how to characterize the relationship between Callie and Anna. Anna doesn't get Callie to laugh as much, but she doesn't try like the other two.

Anna loves Callie, but I think she's struggling a little bit with her own place in the family now. She's been a bit of a stinker lately, and she and Sara had a heart-to-heart the other day (which is somewhat rare to get Anna involved in).

I've been concerned about this possibility in particular and have tried to give Anna lots of attention, but she may struggle with all the energy and time Callie is requiring of Sara.