Monday, May 26, 2008

Callie and Routine

Callie is doing great! She loves being outside. She's starting to enjoy her baths instead of screaming. She runs and jumps, though both feet never actually leave the ground at the same time. She's learning the routine of the Scantlin home.

Routine. Sara's routine in particular has been significantly modified. Sara and I tend to be task-oriented as opposed to people-oriented. As long as Sara removes several things from her typical daily list and adds "be there for Callie whenever she cries or needs Mommy to hold her," she will still feel fulfilled as a task-oriented individual.

Bigfoot is alive and well! Let's talk numbers. My son Andrew:
Age: 13
Height: 6' 2"
Shoe size: 14 wide
No. of times he's told me he loves me since we returned from China: Countless

Took the kids to a Chinese restaurant Friday night. Anna and I enjoyed the sweet and sour chicken until I opened my fortune cookie and read, "That wasn't chicken."

We've enjoyed our Memorial Day weekend thus far. Sunday my parents and nephew came over, and then my brother and niece. Finally we decided to get pizza, my brother's other two kids, and cake. We weren't planning on it, but we ended up celebrating my niece Audrey's 9th birthday.

This afternoon we're planning on enjoying a cookout at Sara's brother's house.

1 comment:

marci said...

I don't think that "Eee" is far behind her brother in the area of height. I looked at her on Wednesday and thought that she was taller than she was on Sunday.

You have good kids.