Saturday, June 14, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Last night Callie was a Daddy's girl, perhaps the first time since she joined our family. I was gone before she got up in the morning, and I was home just briefly in the afternoon, but she was asleep then.

We did talk on the phone for the first time. Sara held the phone up to her ear while I talked to her. She said not a word, but Sara said she was grinning from ear to ear when she realized it was my voice. She then wasn't in a hurry to end the call.

When I got home, she wanted me to hold her and play with her.

Often when she wants me to do something, she grabs my hand and pulls me to where she wants me. Several times it's to the piano, and we play together. If I stop, she stops, grabs my hand, and places it back on the piano. That's universal language for, "Play. I'm not doing a solo here."

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